Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Failblog and the First Post

There is absolutely no shame in doing something because everyone else is doing it, unless that thing is wearing leggings for pants, saying "totes" instead of "totally" in sincerity, or voting for Bush Junior the second time around. Other than being able to write for fun, that's why I've started this blog. Instead of succumbing to my own self deprication, thinking that no one would want to read this, I thought, "This will be a hell of a lot of fun." And it will be.

Today in the news:
I got a letter from Wayne Lesser of the University of Texas at Austin today, saying that he was "sorry to have to report" their decision to deny me admission into their graduate program. This is good for 2 reasons:
1. My expectations were met. I have not been thrown out of my Zen state of being. I rejoice to the heavens.
2. This means that the application process has probably started at all of the rest of the schools I applied to (1 down, 9 to go) are looking through my papers and I'll be hearing from them soon too.
Anyway, I'm glad Mr. Lesser informed me of my status there. I'm also glad that he referred to the admission process as "chastening." Please take from that what you will. I certainly did. :)

Signing off for now,


  1. Leggings as pants? Totes? W? Are you sure this isn't a blog about my life at LSU?

    Hmmmm, maybe I'll start one of these things...
